Composition and tasks of the Committees
As regards audit and internal control, the Committee’s task is to assess the definition and application of accounting, financial or ethical standards implemented by the various LFB companies both in France and abroad.
It must ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of these standards and the effectiveness of internal control procedures. The Committee validates the internal audit programme. It receives internal audit reports or a periodic summary of these reports. It hears the director of the internal audit department and gives its opinion on its activity.
As part of its mandate relating to remuneration, the Committee shall prepare and send to the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the Minister responsible for the Economy, a recommendation on the elements of remuneration of the Chairman-CEO and the amount and distribution among the members of the Board of the remuneration due to the directors.
Members of the Audit and Compensation Committee:
- Vincent BERJOT (Président)
- Nicolas CARTIER
- Vincent DENOIS
- Eric DRAPE
- Corinne FAU
- Laurent SUSTER
The role of the Strategy Committee is to prepare the work of the Board of Directors on major strategic issues such as the long-term strategic plan and financial trajectory, opportunities for external growth, alliances and partnerships, strategic investments/divestments, geographic and sectoral development and diversification axes, and more generally any option considering essential for the future of the Company.
Members of the Strategy Committee:
- Nicolas CARTIER (Président)
- Pascale AUGE
- Claire-Marie BERGUES
- Vincent BERJOT
- Eric DRAPE
- Corinne FAU
- Laurent SUSTER